
Sheila Labarre Who Killed Her Two Boyfriends, Was Claimed to Be An Angel to Punish Pedophiles

Sheila LaBarre, whose real name is Sheila Kaye Bailey, is a convicted psychopath responsible for the murders of Kenneth Countie and Michael DeLoge.

Those who know Sheila LaBarre say she is astute and has a way of winning over just about any man. Unfortunately, police say that attractiveness let her tempt several men to her house of horrors.

She’s attracted to both of the victims because of their youthful appearances along with their compassionate, charming and outgoing personalities.

At her home, she wants them to share her work and her bed between them. But once they enter her web, the queen of master manipulators can show her true nature by letting her unpredictable mood swings take control.

About Sheila LaBarre

It all begins when Epping’s population of nearly 7,000 raises by one: her name is Sheila Jennings.

Her nickname growing up was ‘firecracker’ because she was born on July 4th, and that’s a nickname that suited her personality,” said Kevin Flynn, author of Wicked Intentions: The Sheila LaBarre Murders.

Sheila LaBarre was born Sheila Kaye Bailey on July 4th, 1958, in Alabama. She grew up with her sister Lynn Noojin while she became a school graduate from Fort Payne High School in 1976. She was married to Ronnie Jennings, but her relationship quickly turned sour when she divorced him.

However, he refused to go his separate ways. In the early 1980s, Sheila had been sent to a psychiatric ward because of a mental illness known as Schizoaffective disorder. It’s a condition that is identified by abnormal changes in a person’s behaviour. The symptoms include hallucinations, depression, mania, a disturbance in cognition, and disorganized thoughts, speech, or moods.

Sheila Labarre First Arrest

As the years passed by, and this beautiful young woman was looking to strike gold.

Sheila answered a personal ad from Dr. Wilfred LaBarre,” said New Hampshire Senior Assistant Attorney General James Boffetti.

Dr. Wilfred LaBarre is a prominent chiropractor who is well-liked in the community, and rich. He owns one of the largest and most sought-after pieces of real estate in the area, a 115-acre horse farm.

The only thing Dr. LaBarre is missing is companionship. Sheila Jennings, who is 34 years younger, is more than happy to fill that void. Sheila offers up affection, adoration and sexy nude photoshoots.

I think he got swept up by her youth and beauty and invited her into his life, and then she took it over,” said Boffetti.

In no time, Sheila moves into the farmhouse and makes herself right at home. And she demands that everyone around town call her “Mrs. LaBarre.” They were not legally married.

But it seems as though Sheila wants more than the good doctor’s name. The reporter turned author Kevin Flynn says Sheila was ready to fight for what was his.

Sheila had power of attorney over Dr. LaBarre, even though they were never married,” said Flynn. “They did not have a legal marriage, they had a common law marriage. But he never gave her his name, she just took it.”

And eventually, she took everything Dr. LaBarre owned when he suddenly passed away from a heart attack.

Her 1st arrest was when she killed Wilfred “Bill” LaBarre. After his death, she became a farm queen and almost had a 50/50 chance of succeeding in her goal.

She had to pay $50,000 upfront. This is the story of how a sadist plays a terrifying game of cat and mouse with adolescent children who are fighting for their lives.

Master Manipulators

On an eerie day at a farm, two police officers discover something gruesome in a barrel. There was a piece of bone with burnt muscle tissue at the end of it. This puzzled them because it can be tough for some people to understand why a monster would hurt an innocent child.

For Carolyn Lodge, it’s a painful memory that no family member should envision. She still remembers her son’s innocent life being cut short because of a sadist who brainwashes others for her selfish desires.

In New Hampshire, Sheila LaBarre was attracted by many people due to her Southern accent, crimson hair, charms and upbeat mood. But there’s a dark secret beneath her beautiful face. She’d send pornographic polaroid pictures of herself to young men so she could satisfy her lust.

According to a local journalist named Kevin Flynn, he discovers why Sheila is a woman nobody should encounter. People told him to break up with her, but he didn’t want to. Later, a few citizens wonder if Wilfred’s cause of death is either Heart disease or a case of poisoning. The mystery remains unknown.

Detective Kirsten Wilson told each neighbour about young men struggling to walk in the streets after suffering from life-threatening injuries. She described Sheila’s farm as a sadistic playground if the chapters had been unfolded.

Kenneth Countie

Sheila LaBarre is now rich and single and ready to mingle. And it doesn’t take her long before she meets Kenneth Countie on a dating site. He’s half Sheila’s age.

The next day, LaBarre calls Kenneth Countie by telephone and invites him to her house. “They drank and they ended up having sex in her car at her house in Epping,” said Boffetti. “She does everything she can to isolate him from his parents, and is successful in doing that.

Little does he know; Sheila is brainwashing him. In the interview, Carolyn describes her son as a kind, good-hearted soul who wants to find acceptance in the world.

When Kenneth’s mother hasn’t heard from her son in weeks, she files a missing-person report with the authorities in Massachusetts.

I looked at the bulletin and it said this gentleman is missing, was picked up from a woman with a ‘S’ first name from New Hampshire driving a black Cadillac,” said Epping Police Sgt. Richard Cote.

So we drive down there, bang on the door, Kenny came out, he was fine, and he wanted to be there, so as far as missing persons go, he’s an adult and he’s found,” said Cote.

Kenneth’s mother receives the news that her son has been located, but she is hardly relieved. Her son is developmentally disabled, with the IQ of a 12-year-old. But authorities’ hands are tied since Kenneth is legally an adult.

Sheila isolates Kenneth from the rest of the world and pretends to take him shopping.

They run into Kenny at a Walmart store.

“He had some bruising. He looks a little bit ashen in color and he’s in a Walmart wheelchair, and I asked him several times if he was OK and if everything was all right, and he refused to talk to us,” said Epping Police Detective Sean Gallagher.

The young man’s companions were very concerned about his emotional well being and the bruises on his body. Sheila accuses him of being a pedophile as he throws up. Even though he did nothing wrong.

On their way out, detectives take note of Sheila’s purchase: several empty gas containers. She is stacking them on Kenneth as he sits in the wheelchair.

Just five days later, Detective Gallagher receives a bizarre phone call from Sheila. “She said that she wanted us to know that Kenny left and that he was a pedophile, and she was going to play a tape for me that would prove he was a pedophile,” said Gallagher. “I told her to play the tape.

“And then I heard Sheila say ‘Why are you throwing up, stop throwing up,’ and I didn’t hear Kenneth talking anymore, but then I heard her say ‘Why are you passing out? Why did you pass out?‘” said Gallagher.

Detective Gallagher doesn’t know what to make of the disturbing recording, but when Kenneth’s mother confirms that her son has not returned home, he knows something horrific is happening at the LaBarre farmhouse.

Now, he has to fight back. He manages to push her away and escape from her ferocious clutches. This made Sheila go in a homicidal frenzy, allowing her to stab him again and again with a knife.

She took his body and placed it on a mattress before burning it with a match with her job done. She watched Kenneth die within the cinders whilst petting her grey rabbit. The police also found out that Kenneth isn’t the only one who’s been trapped in Sheila’s house of horrors.

It’s probably around 6 o’clock at night, so it’s dusk,” said Cote. “We showed up, there was a burn pile and I kinda moved it a little bit and I looked down and I saw a piece of flesh.”

There was a bone,” said Gallagher. “If I had to make a guess I would say it was maybe an upper arm and shoulder area.

The detectives have seen enough.

We went up to the house and as soon as I kick the door in, it opened up. We heard a woman’s voice yell from the driveway,” said Gallagher. “It was Sheila.”

Sheila allows detectives inside the house. Kenneth isn’t there, and the once beautiful home of Dr. Wilfred LaBarre is in ruins.

The house is filthy, there’s rabbits running around everywhere. It stinks, there’s rotten food in sink,” said Cote. “I see that there’s a pair of his shoes, and I said ‘Well, there’s his shoes.’ She said ‘Those’re his shoes, I bought him new shoes.’ I knew she had because I saw him in a brand new pair of shoes, and later on we get to the basement door, and there are the new shoes at bottom of the basement. So I said ‘There’s his new shoes, there’s his old shoes, what’s he wearing?’ And she couldn’t explain it.

Before they can question Sheila about the flesh and bones in the burn pile, she asks them to get off her property. Without a search warrant, they have no choice but to leave.

We were not happy,” said Gallagher. “We both knew there was more to the story than this and we both had a belief at that point in time that what we saw in the burn pile may be the remains of Kenneth Countie.” The following day, detectives are back with a search warrant.

She was covered in ashes because she had been kneeling by the burn pile that we had seen the night before, and she was sifting through it,” said Gallagher. “We never found the bone that myself and Rich Cote originally saw.

Authorities recover several tiny bone fragments which appear to be human.

The house, barn, and 115 acres of horse farm are now an official crime scene, making it the largest in New Hampshire state history. Hundreds of state police, local police, and the major crime unit swarm the property.

Inside, no longer a farmhouse, now a madhouse — Investigators find hundreds of rabbits running wild in the house and what appears to be human blood splatter in multiple rooms.

But when crime investigators flush the septic system, they discover a birth certificate bearing the name Michael Deloge.

She had flushed down the toilet his birth certificate and some other evidence,” said James Boffetti. “That’s how we even knew about Mike Deloge, because there was no report about him missing. And they began to say ‘Who is Mike Deloge?‘”

There are no reports of Deloge missing because no one knew he was missing. Deloge is estranged from his family and staying at a homeless shelter at the time he met Sheila.

Here’s a guy who’s down on his luck, this woman comes along and says ‘My husband died, I have this big farm, I need someone to help me take care of it,‘” said Flynn. “He would come over and they have sex and there was food on the table and it’s like, ‘Why would I go back to a homeless shelter?‘”

Police wonder if more bodies will be discovered on this 115-acre horse ranch and if they have a serial killer on their hands.

You tend to think of Epping as being a small town,” said Flynn. “What does that mean, a small town, where everybody knows what everybody else is up to, everybody is watching everybody. So you would think that people couldn’t just come to a farm like this and disappear.

Eyewitnesses start to come forward, placing Michael Deloge at the LaBarre horse ranch.

The most telling story is that when Michael was living here in the middle of winter, people saw Michael stumble down this long road in the middle of snow bleeding from the forehead, and when somebody stopped to ask him what happened, he just kept going and said one word, ‘Sheila,’” said Flynn.

While police wait on DNA results to come in, Sheila remains a free woman.

She was supposed to be under watch by somebody, I don’t know, someone was supposed to be following her and she somehow got away and she ended up down in Massachusetts,” said Cote.

Sheila dyes her hair bright red withdraws thousands in cash and packs up her most prized possessions: her rabbits.

While on the run, DNA results from the fire pit come in: The remains belong to Kenneth Countie. Sheila is charged with murder. Now, police just need to find her.

To know that there’s a murderer that has now slipped away from us and we don’t know where she is and she’s not scared to carry a weapon, she’s carried guns,” said Cote.

Now 30 miles away in Manchester, Sheila realizes she may need to unload her precious cargo. She stops by a pet store and asks people inside if they would watch her bunnies for a couple of days. The people agree and even invited Sheila to stay with them for the night.

“And it was at that time she was in these people’s living room and playing with the rabbits, the 11 o’clock news comes on and there’s the story about a man missing in Epping,” said Flynn.

Sheila Labarre Finally Arrested:

Sheila’s cover is blown. She’s arrested and extradited back to New Hampshire, where the cops grill her.

Then traces of DNA evidence are recovered from inside the farmhouse: It’s Michael Deloge.

His body was never recovered,” said Boffetti. “It’s fair to assume she did the same thing to his body that she did to Kenneth Countie’s body.

Now, Sheila officially faces two counts of murder. Then Sheila shocks the court: She admits to killing both victims.

Sheila claims she’s killed Kenneth and Michael, claiming they were pedophiles and deserved to die. She even recorded these so-called confessions.

There’s a video actually of Mike Deloge that she shot,” said Boffetti. “We played it for jury where she’s trying to get him to admit that he was a pedophile and did horrible things. There were audio recordings with Kenneth Countie where she was trying to force him to admit that he did all kinds of horrible things.

Sheila’s defence teams says their client was insane at the time of the killings.

She felt like she was this avenging angel, that she is there to be a protector, a champion for victims, without realizing the irony that she is victimizing people,” said Flynn.

After five weeks of testimony, she is found guilty on two counts of murder.

What the defense offered was just psychobabble about her mental state,” said Boffetti. “It was calculated and it was deliberate and it was horrific.

Sheila LaBarre is now serving two life sentences without the possibility of parole.

“In my opinion she is a violent predator,” said Boffetti. “She’s a black widow who really preyed on vulnerable men. And the torture and the violence and the abuse at her hands was just unspeakable.

And what happened in this house of horrors in the small town of Epping won’t soon be forgotten.

People started realizing that even in small town where everything is nice and beautiful and everyone knows each other, that we can still have a horror going on in someone’s home that you don’t know about,” said Cote.

Are there possibly other victims out there?

Yes,” said Cote. “If she met a homeless guy in New York City and took him home and killed him, we would never know. She was using every and all means of disposal.

As for whether Sheila LaBarre has more victims, the lead prosecutor in the case says that was always a concern. That’s because, during the investigation, several people came forward to say they knew other men who had stayed at the house. Officers also found hundreds of audio cassettes of her speaking to men on chat lines.

Where is Sheila LaBarre now

Today, she is serving two life sentences.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-05-08