
Where is Chris Smiths Business Partner, Ed Shin.The Convcted First-Degree Murdere?

Chris Smith a well-known Californian businessman was thought to be traveling around the world when he mysteriously disappeared in June 2010. He used emails to communicate about his travels with his loved ones, friends, and fiancée. But aside from the occasional emails no one had seen him in about a year and he was nowhere to be found.

His family eventually grew suspicious and filed a mἰssing report at the beginning of 2011. In a short time, troubling information that Smith might have been murdeɼed emerged; this information was later confirmed by forensics after tests found considerable bl∅∅d in his office, where his brother had previously noticed an enormous stain. All indications at the time pointed to Ed Shin, his business partner.

Shin confessed to kἰlling the mἰssing man, Chris Smith, in June 2010 after being apprehended in an unrelated embezzlement case. He also confirmed pretending to be the vἰctim while emailing his family and friends.

Chris Smith Business Partner Ed Shin

Ed Shin Was Found Guἰlty of First-Degree Murdeɼ in Chris Smith’s Case

Ed Shin was convἰcted of murdeɼing his business partner Chris Smith in their San Juan Capistrano office in June 2010 to acquire Smith’s share of their company, 800XChange, a debt-consolidation firm. In December 2018, Shin was found guἰlty of one felony murdeɼ with a sentencing enhancement for kἰlling for profit. In July of the following year, he was sentenced to life in jaἰl without the possibility of release.

Shin kἰlled Smith to pay off a $1.2 million debt. He later admitted to taking responsibility for an unnamed accomplice who assisted in hiding the vἰctim’s remains. Shin used the vἰctim’s name to email his partner’s family for months while pretending to be traveling in Africa to deceive them.

Ed Shin is now completing his sentence at the Pleasant Valley State Prἰson in Coalinga, Fresno County, according to the California Department of Corrections.

Chris Smith Business Partner Ed Shin

The truth behind YNW Melly’s fate -what really happened? Rapper YNW Melly’s fate is uncertain as he faces life in prἰson without parole for premeditated first-degree murdeɼ charges since his 2019 arrest. Discover more about him by checking out the page below!

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Brenda Moya

Update: 2024-05-03